Through the Science&Society@UCI program, the Newkirk Center supports activities which study the systems of translation and utilization of information from the academic environment to the forum of public opinion and policy making; that is, to study the relationship between science and action.
Call for Applications: Newkirk Faculty Fellows Program
The Newkirk Center for Science & Society is requesting applications for up to 10 Faculty Fellows to join the Center as scholars in residence. The goals of this program are to: 1) provide a forum for cross-disciplinary interaction; 2) increase the visibility of UCI scholars and their activities within and outside the university; 3) build community around the strategic mission of the Newkirk Center (see below).
The fellowship term will start in Fall 2022 and extend through the end of Fall 2023. Newkirk Faculty Fellows will be expected to:
- Hold a UCI faculty appointment at any career stage
- Give a public lecture or workshop on a topic of their choosing
- Attend a monthly lunch discussion with other Fellows and center staff (food provided)
- Interact with Newkirk Graduate and Postdoctoral Fellows (e.g. as a guest speaker in the graduate workshop series or reviewer of fellowship applications)
- Be open to new collaborations and program development
- Provide a headshot and short bio for posting on the Newkirk Center website
- Receive a $5000 grant to a university account of their choosing
Interested applicants should submit the following materials online by 5pm on Monday October 17, 2022:
- Brief online application form
- Curriculum Vitae (4 pages max)
- Max 2-page statement of Interest covering the following:
- Rationale for participating in a multidisciplinary cohort of Faculty Fellows
- Vision for how your activities as a Fellow will support the Newkirk Center mission
- Your ideas for making the Faculty Fellows program a valuable experience
- How you will contribute to inclusive excellence as a Faculty Fellow
- Please note any prior connections to the Newkirk Center in your statement
Newkirk Faculty Fellows will be announced in November 2022.
Established in 2001 with a generous donation from Martha and James Newkirk, the Newkirk Center focuses on the interaction between science and society, including the role of society in the production of scientific knowledge and technological systems and artifacts and the effects of scientific knowledge on society. It seeks to explore and think critically about the process by which scientific information is communicated to the public and policy-makers. It fosters the use of science to enhance the environment, education, health care, public infrastructure, and justice. The Center carries out its mission through support of research, public engagement, and events.
In 2017-19, Science&Society@UCI provided seeds grants for the following projects:
Elizabeth Loftus, Department of Psychology and Social Behavior,
Department of Criminology, Law and Society, School of Law
“Translating Eyewitness Science to Public Policy: Evaluating the Use of Evidence Based Reforms in Police Stations and the Courts”
Presentation: November 12, 2019 with Views by Two at Room 1517 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway
Kristin Peterson, Anthropology
Viral & Terrorist Resilience: An Analysis of Polio Eradication in Nigeria
Presentation: Winter Quarter 2020
Valerie Olson, Anthropology/ Steven D. Allison, Ecology and Evolutionary
Increasing the Relevance and Social Impact of Climate Research at UC Irvine
Presentation: February 13, 2019
Kim Fortun, Anthropology
From Disaster Research to Public and Policy Engagement
Presentation: October 19, 2018
In 2019-2020, Science&Society@UCI supported fellowships to three graduate students:
Gray Abarca, Anthropology
Experts of health equity: Community health worker narratives of empowerment, inclusion and well-being in a Latino city
Michael Mahoney, English
Crisis Tendencies: Contemporary Fiction and the Political Economy of Mental Health After 1980
Nicole Stivers, Environmental Health
Intersectional investigation of NIHs policy on sex as a biological variable (SABV)
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